We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Manfred Zeidler will join SilverEngine as employee effective on February 1st, 2017. Manfred will strengthen our Subscriber Data Management (SDM) / One-NDS team.
Manfred will be available for our customers as technical expert for robustness and high availability of Subscriber Data Management Solutions, in particular for the database system One-NDS and SDM applications HLR and HSS.
Since more than 10 years, Manfred was with all his various roles and tasks within R&D always in a technical leading position for quality assurance of One-NDS, first at Tieto and later at Nokia. Manfred was always working with international teams (amongst others Bristol/ England, Bangalore/ India, Germany, Austria, Slovakia).
Manfred is 53 years old, married with two children and lives with his family in Munich.
Manfred will cooperate with our present SDM experts and in particular with Helmut Volpers and Marek Kocan.